I know science takes patience, but…

I have not noticed any cataclysms in Sunset Valley all day long. According to this Web-based time zone finder, the time has now reached 6 p.m. or later at all longitudes from the International Date Line all the way west to Brazil. There are only two possible implications:

(1) Sunset Valley must be even further west than Brazil, or

(2) There is a bug in the End Of The World, and it isn’t really happening today.

Neither of these is very encouraging. If Sunset Valley is west of Brazil, we can rule out a lot of very lovely Continue reading

Measure twice, cut once?

Well, friends, my plan to determine the longitude of Sunset Valley will succeed or fail in the next several hours.

Here is the issue: to reckon longitude requires an accurate clock, and Sim time does not track Outer World time very well. A breakthrough came recently when I discovered — via Internet, so I know it’s true, because computers don’t make errors — that the End Of the World will come tomorrow.

Key to the whole project is the time that it will come: Continue reading