Besides leaving comments on blog posts, you can also email me.
My name is Ronnie.
My domain name is the same as the name of this site.
The thing about Spam™
I gave my address in that somewhat obscured form to avoid attracting Spam™. Evidently, in the early days of the Internet, idealistic people imagined that communication would change the world, eliminate poverty and injustice, etc. etc., and through a generous donation, a canned pork product was emailed to pretty much everyone. Aside from some cultural sensitivity issues, the problem was — and this was even more true back in those days — that people who can receive email are not the ones who are most afflicted by hunger. Much of the stuff sat unwanted in their in-boxes. As it has a long shelf life, the supply/demand imbalance has only become worse over time. It is important to think things through before you go putting them on the Internet!
Eventually, a British comedy group made a sketch about it, which became famous in its own right: if you want to fact-check this.
Cool comic! I like it. What software do you use to create the speech bubbles?
Well, off to read more.
Hi Kris, and thank you. I use Comic Life from They stopped developing for the PC some time back so it is not very recent software, and it’s got its limitations and frustrations. But the price is good and it is well matched to a comic where, like mine, the illustrations are photos. If I were drawing it, I’d look at one of the manga software products.